Tune it up! Joomla performance tuning


How many times have you visited a site and thought "this is so slow"? Most likely it only took 5 to 10 seconds to load, yet you felt it was an eternity. It's not you. It's how most people perceive the waiting time after taking an action.

We build and test our sites on laptops and desktops on stable and relatively fast Internet connections. Yet, the majority of people in North America are accessing the Internet from a mid to low end mobile device on slow, high latency mobile connections. The way they experience the sites we built is vastly different. They are frustrated at how slow our sites are.

No need to despair. Joomla is not half bad out of the box. It makes for a good platform to start tweaking and improving upon. Most importantly, I have the tools to tune it for performance. 

Step into Niko's Joomla Garage to find out how I turn a normal site into a veritable speed demon. Mind your step, please and come closer.

I will open up my toolbox and show you everything I use and how to use it. We'll go through everything, from the obvious to the obscure and everything in between. At the end of the presentation you will, too, have the need for speed and the know-how to act upon that urge!

Disclaimer: The presentation is car racing themed. The theme of the presentation was chosen largely because I'm a Mechanical Engineer by education and a Formula 1 fan. Car racing in Europe, where I come from, is an inclusive sport. I am against discrimination of any kind.