I got involved with Joomla! in 2005 and in 2009 started my own marketing company. In 2019 we became 'The Joe Sonne Group'. The web division of The Joe Sonne Group is JoeJoomla. We use Joomla exclusively. In the Joomla community I'm a speaker, trainer, and writer about all things Joomla. I've contributed to the community through various JoomlaDays as well as J and Beyond and the Joomla! World Conference. I helped co-found two Joomla User Groups in Canada. I'm a former Secretary of Open Source Matters (OSM). Currently I serve the project as a consultant to the Capital Committee and the Marketing Working Group.
View the previous recorded sessions from this speaker.
Ideas for Joomla Business Maintenance Plans and Service Offerings
April 22, 2023 5:00pm - 6:00pmContact
Have a project you think Joe can help with? Send a message.